Sarangkot Pokhara

by budget_trekking | Jul 17, 2018

Sarangkot is the highest hill in Pokhara and is adjacent to Phewa Lake. This hill is the meeting point of all adventure sports in the town. Saying that, this is the hub of paragliding enthusiasts and zip flyers. Not only that but Sarangkot offers a heavenly view of the mountains in the Annapurna without anyone having to walk an inch. However, you are provided with the option of walking to the summit of Sarangkot and it is a very good workout. On the other hand, enthusiasts prefer to ride downhill on their mountain bikes as well.

There are several eateries and hotels in the hilltop of Sarangkot. The views of pokhara and the phewa lake is a stunner and the Peace pagoda on the adjacent hill is eye pleasing.
