Mu Gompa Sightseeing

by budget_trekking | Mar 30, 2018
Mu Gompa Sightseeing

Mu Gompa and Rachen nunnery were both established in 1936 by Drupa Rinpoche, a Bhutanese lama who meditated in the caves close to the current location of the monastery. Mu Gompa sits at 4000 meters in a very serene ambiance and boasts beautiful and high himalayas in the surrounding,

It is a whole day trip to and back to Mu Gompa from Tsum. Till the day there are around 20 monks living in the facility. The younger ones go study in nearby village and do daily basis chores. Whereas, the older ones, few from the time of establishment, teach the younger ones the teachings they received.

It is a part of Tsum valley trek to visit the Gompa as an effort to help the monks. The harsh and long winter which result in fewer amount of crops throughout the year. Furthermore, food, medicine and all the required things are caravanned from lower regions. However, Mu is an absolute display of hardship and commitment as well as one of the best viewpoints in the region.
