Mar 31, 2018

What is famous as Milarepa cave in the Tsum valley is originally known as Piren Phu, meaning pigeons cave. This place is located very close to Burgi village and on the foot of a barren and unnamed cliff. The story behind how this cave inherited its name as what it is today is for the reason that it is believed to be once used for meditation by Tibetan saint namely Milarepa. He used to live and meditate in the cave and disguised himself and walked down the village to beg for food.

There are two gompas built by this cave and the gompas hold statues of Avalokiteshvara, Buddha, Tara and Milarepa. This site as well boasts views of Shiar khola, Rachen gompa, the mountain vista and the beautiful Burgi village intermingling with the vast and beautiful fertile land.

In the cave one can as well see the so called footsteps of saint Milarepa carved on a rock, finely painted murals and artistic scripts.