Basantapur Durbar Square & Swayambhunath Stupa Day Tour

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Tour Overview


Kathmandu Durbar Square is a rich tapestry of historical and spiritual sites, featuring stunning ancient architecture. Among its highlights is the Kumari Ghar, the residence of Nepal's living goddess. We will also visit Kumari Chowk, where you can explore the vibrant courtyard of the Kumari Ghar.

Another must-see is Swayambhunath, often called the Monkey Temple. True to its name, the area is home to numerous monkeys. To reach the main stupa, you will ascend 365 steps, passing numerous smaller shrines along the way. The site is adorned with many prayer wheels, and the Buddha statue at Swayambhunath is the largest in Nepal.Finally, we will drop you at your hotel to conclude the tour.